Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Back To School!

 That's right, it's time to get back in the class room and finish up.

We still had a few days left in our level one carpentry curriculum when the shut down happened.  Despite all the work you've done, you can't get your level one credit unless you finish those hours.  So we're bringing you back into the classroom to do the remaining hours, as well as your electrical and welding components.  Once those are done, you will have your level one, and will have completed the first step towards becoming a licensed carpenter.

Now, as for the work placements.  Given all the circumstances, we've had mixed success with those this year.  Only about half of you are working in placements.  As far as the course goes - that's actually not that bad.  The work placement is NOT required to get the level one credit.  The work placement is required ONLY to get you Canadore Pre-Carpentry Certificate.  So if you have not gotten into a placement yet, the worst case scenario is merely that you graduate with your ministry level one credit, but not a Canadore certificate.  But you'd still have your level one, which means you're still on your way.  Furthermore, if we can get you working and get the placement hours complete in the near future, Canadore is willing to count that retroactively and issue your certificate.  So it should be fine either way.

Now, the date of our class resumption is:


Please confirm with me as soon as possible that you will be able to make it.  

Also,  the college has protocols in place to manage Covid19, please watch the video below to complete your covid training.


Finally, I need to put out an APB on Megan and Jolene.  I don't know if it's just that I smell bad, or what, but I haven't been able to connect with either of them.  If you have either of them within your friend circle, please ask them to get in touch with me.

That's all for now, see you soon!  



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